
Did you also know. . .

that if a tree is not producing fruit it must be a boy tree, but no worries, you can change the sex of the tree by putting a skirt on it. Of course girl trees bear fruit better than boy trees.

We have a papaya tree. Our papaya tree was not producing any papayas. Sone knew how to fix our problem. Make the boy tree into a girl tree and we'll have plenty of papayas. So she took a piece of cloth and tied it around the trunk of the tree like a skirt. Wah lah (I don't know how to spell that) we now have a girl! And amazingly a week or two after the change she was growing papayas. The American that I am, with no knowledge of papaya trees or the sex of trees, I think it my have had something more to do with the season. Maybe Mr. Tree was just not quite ready to make papayas. But, maybe if we had not put the skirt on him we would not be enjoying our papayas now. I guess we'll never know.

Honest to goodness, many people believe this! Seriously! I had sometimes seen scraps of cloth tied around trees before but I didn't know what it was, but after hearing this crazy story from Sone I know now that quite a few others have performed surgery on their trees so they'll bear more fruit. That's the thing though, they do NOTHING to the tree besides tie a piece of cloth around the trunk. And magically, because the tree is now wearing a skirt, he knows he must change into a girl and start making fruit. 

I feel like almost every week Julia and I look at each other and burst out laughing in disbelief at the crazy things our friends believe. 


  1. Very interesting story - keep them coming!
    "Wah lah" is spelled "voila" and is pronounced "vwah-lah." Love, Dad

  2. I should also add that both Eric and I knew how to spell this word. ;)
