

After the death of our old dog, Beebee, my housemates and I voted 3 to 1 to get a new puppy. I was NOT happy about this decision. But I was told I would have no responsibility for it. So, we got a new dog, Lily. We got the dog a week before Lao New Year, which is the biggest holiday in Laos. All of my housemates were going somewhere. I was going to be home alone. Before they bought the dog I asked what the plans were for taking care of it over New Years. She would go home with Nuyie. The morning that everyone was leaving, Nuyie decided she did not want to take the dog home with her. We tried to find friends to take care of Lily, but couldn't. Me, being the wonderfully nice person that I am said I would take care of her. (There wasn't much choice.)

She is a much better dog than Beebee, probably because she had some decent disciplining the first week when she was home with her strict owner - me. Some people think I hate all animals and enjoy torturing them. I do NOT! But, if she jumps on me, she gets hit. If she tries to come in the house, she gets spanked. If she eats our shoes, she gets hit. If she is a good dog, I pet her. A lot. (Even though I think it's gross.) And by golly, she's learning. She really is a better dog than Beebee ever was. And she really has learned that she should not jump on people, come in the house or eat our shoes or laundry or she'll get hit. When she gets disciplined for doing something wrong, she learns quickly.

1 comment:

  1. By golly, you're gonna be a great mother some day. ;)
