
Happy Easter!

On Saturday we had an Easter party for the Faculty of Education students. Linda, Steph and I are the teachers in the FOE department.
 The party started at 2:00, which usually means people show up at 3:00. I asked some of my girls to come a little early to cook spring rolls. I told them to come around noon, they showed up at 11:00. I cannot figure out Lao time! I was so thankful they came to help cook food!
 They are so creative! Their eggs were beautiful!
 We made over a hundred spring rolls. We have to wrap the veggies and such in rice paper. Mine are looking a little more beautiful every time I make them. And they taste delicious! Here we are sitting on the floor rolling them up!
 Decorating the eggs. We had nice cloudy coolish weather!
 Eating the spring rolls and fruit.
 We had an Easter egg hunt too. She found the most eggs!
 Looking in all of the trees for the candy-filled eggs.
 All of the eggs were found!
 We also did egg on the spoon relay races.
 And a fun game where we sing a song and they walk around. When they song stops, Steph yells two body parts that they have to touch to each other, like knee to elbow. Here they are doing shoulder to ear. It's a really fun game to play and maybe more fun to watch!
Lao people love to pose for the camera!

Linda also told the Easter story in English and had a student read in Lao. Most of them seemed to understand pretty well.

It's always lots of fun to have students over! Lao people are SO helpful! Some came three hours early to help! And some stayed to wash all of the dishes, sweep the floor and clean everything up!


  1. Those eggs are beautiful!! We did eggs while in Edgerton this weekend. The kids did pretty well...nothing as elaborate as those eggs, though! Hope you had a very blessed Easter.

  2. Danae said...Can we please make spring rolls when you come home?? :)
