
Egg Facials

Last week three of my students came our house to do our nails. I swear, every single Lao girl can paint beautiful butterflies, flowers, and other beautiful designs on their fingernails! So they did my nails with cute little flowers. And then they decided we should do facials with egg, tomato and lemon. 
 After putting the egg mixture on our face, they stick toilet paper on too.
Our faces were radiant when we finished!

We have been having many annoying cats and dogs in our yard lately! I think most of you know I am not a huge fan of any animals, especially cats and dogs! Ewww!! I have tried shoving them away with my feet (which is probably terribly mean here) and throwing rocks in their direction, I don't really wanna hurt them, I just want them to leave. The cats kept rubbing against our legs when we were sitting outside. Yuck! The dogs only come in when the gate is open, but the cats are small enough that they can squeeze in even when the gate is shut! Hopefully we can figure something out to keep them out!

1 comment:

  1. Nice look with the toilet paper faces :-) I can't stand the smell of eggs, so I don't know if I could do that facial! But I could handle the cats...
