
More Losses

I feel like a  bit of a downer writing on here about losing my motorbike. . . but it happened and it sucks and it's time I wrote another blog and this is what I'm thinking about. :P

My motorbike was stolen from school today. I always lock my bike at school but I obviously forgot today and someone came and stole it. The teachers were really helpful after checking a dozen times to make sure that I didn't forget where I had parked it. I went with Por to the Head of Security or something to inform them about the missing bike.

It really annoys me that in Lao I say - lot jak siya - motorbike lost. I did not lose my bike. A bad person STOLE it. There is a big difference between losing something and having something stolen.

Anyway, after waking the security guy up from his after lunch nap, he pulled out his little notebook and  proceeded to write my name, number, motorbike color. . .I was laughing really hard inside. When Julia and I lost all of our stuff earlier, the police took out their little book to record everything and his recording of my motorbike reminded me of the police who were helping Julia and I earlier. They write the info on the paper, fold it back up and shove it in their pocket, never to be seen again. I didn't lose hope of finding my bike again, I never had any. :(

So, I'm gonna buy a new bike. I had a Honda which is $1500 for a new one. But I think I'll get a KoLao for $600.

I was also informed that my bike was stolen at 11:00. One of the other teachers saw a robber standing by the bikes at 11. I don't know how she knew he was a robber, but she knew something I don't know.

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