
Trees in the Temple

After spending a month in Phnom Phen, the capital of Cambodia. we headed to Angkor Wat, which is a bunch of Hindu temples built between 900 and 1200. 

This temple was my favorite. It was kinda forgotten about for a couple hundred years, so when these trees began to grow, no one was around to pull them out or to kill them, so they kept growing and growing. And now there are huge trees growing on top of, in, through, between, under . . . the temple and doors and windows. Pretty cool, huh? 


  1. Kind of cool and kind of creepy! Looks like a place for a ghost story to happen!

  2. Hey, Christa, I clicked on Subscribe by e-mail, thinking that meant I'd be notified by e-mail when you put up a new post. But the pop-up just says that follow-up comments will be sent to my e-mail address. Is there a way to get email notification when you update the blog?
