

While in Bangkok we watched Twilight 4 part 2. I don't even remember the name of it. Twilight is kinda cheesy, but it's always fun to go watch a movie!

Lao people litter everywhere. Sone said something about throwing trash outside. Julia said the correct word is litter. But I think Sone had it more correct sometimes - they really do throw their house trash on the side of the road sometimes or at least that's what it looks like.

In the States you cannot litter somewhere outside where the wind can blow the trash away and there is no one around who will clean up after you. The opposite of this is true in Laos. As long as no one will be around to clean up your trash, you can litter.

For example, one of the most common places to leave trash in the States is in a movie theater - they pay people to come and clean up your trash. (Yes, I know it's still better to throw it in the trash on my own, but I'm not perfect.) But in Laos, that is one place where it is not acceptable to leave trash. I left my water bottle in the holder by my seat and as we were leaving the theater, Noui picked it up and gave me a little scolding.

But she sees no problem with throwing trash outside of the bus window or anywhere that's outside really.

I would be more likely (I wouldn't) to leave some trash on the floor in a mall or inside a bus or any building. Someone will come around and sweep the floor so it won't end up outside. But Lao people would be more likely to throw it outside than to leave it on a bus or in a mall. But it's OK to throw it outside.

I haven't figured out why they think this way yet.

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