
Elephant Festival

This past week I went to Sayabouly province with one of my friends and her sister-in-law. Although the van and bus rides to get there and home were not very fun, we did have lots of fun at her house. Her province is the province that is known for having the most elephants and this weekend was the Elephant Festival.
 These elephants are taking a rest after lunch.
Up close and personal to the elephants. Ty got elephant snot on her while we were riding. :P
 We rode the elephants. Ours was 28 years old and the mahout (Elephant trainer/rider person) rode the elephant for three days to Sayabouly from another town.
 On the elephant
 Laos is beautiful. The rice is growing and a beautiful green!
Me with Hong and Ty. One of Ty's relatives had a baci ceremony - a special ceremony and party for something. The relative is an American and was going back to America this week. The baci was to wish her good luck for her trip.
 Ty's family - with her brother and mom
 Fawning - Lao dancing - walk around very slowly in a big circle facing your partner and wave your hands in pretty circles in front of you :)
 Baby elephant that took the money Hong gave her.
Sayabouly is cut off from the rest of Laos my the Mekong River. There aren't any bridges crossing the river so we had to take a ferry. And the sun was setting beautifully as we were crossing.

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