
Welcome Back!

I got back to Laos yesterday, and I'm so happy to be back! Flying went pretty good. And we were greeted by plenty of smiling faces. Our land lady came in her car to pick us up with Sone, 2 American teachers and some Lao friends were at the airport too. I was looking forward to coming back, but I think it's better than I was expecting. :)

I saw other friends and students yesterday afternoon/evening too. We cooked Lao supper together. Papaya salad, sticky rice and spring rolls. As good as the ones I made with family were last week, these were much better! My tongue has also gotten used to not spicy American food. Before, I could eat pretty spicy Lao food, but last night we had 3 chilies in the papaya salad and it was almost too much. Hopefully I'll get used to it again soon.

I think it will take a little getting used to the Lao driving again too. I had forgotten how different it is to drive here.

And it's still hot! They said yesterday was hotter than it has been lately, so hopefully that means it will cool off a little soon. And it's rainy season, which I don't think I mind too much. I was going to go for a run this morning, but it is raining. . . so it if does this every morning, it might get a little old.

Some of my students told me that school started already. They've been going to school this week, but the teacher hasn't been coming and won't come until next week or the next even. I asked them if they will go to school tomorrow. They said yes. I asked them if the teacher will come to school tomorrow. They said no. Why do they keep going to school if they know that their teacher will not be there? That's just the way it is. There are still plenty of things here that I do not understand and will probably never understand. But that's OK because it's so great to be back! (Even though I still do miss family an friends in the States.)

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