

Today I was feeling a little sick. I texted my class president and a few others in the class to tell them there would be no class at 10:00 because I'm not feeling the best. I laid on the couch to take a little nap. One of my students who I see outside of class texted me and said, "Yes! After school I will go." I am often confused by the texts I receive from my students. So, I first thought, No, please don't come to my house, I want to sleep. But then thought, maybe she didn't understand . . .

I had been kinda sleeping on the couch and I heard our gate open and a motorbike come in a little after ten. I got up to let them in. It was only two girls. They brought me yogurt/milk stuff and some fruit and bread. It was really sweet! Then we just sat around on the couches and talked. Then one of them gave me a massage so I wouldn't feel sore. :) And we sat and talked more. I fell asleep for a little bit and it was totally fine. They were just checking on me to make sure I was doing ok. It was actually pretty nice having them here. It would have been nice to sleep, but it was super sweet of them! I feel like in the States people like to be left alone when they're sick, but not in Laos. I've also gotten tons of texts from my students checking on me and hoping that I feel better soon! I only have a small headache and stomachache.

Then a few hours after they left, they called to check on me again. She thinks that I should go to the doctor and she will take me now if I want to go. I assured her I was fine!

1 comment:

  1. I find the cultural differences can sometimes be a blessing. In this case, it is. Like you said, in the States, people like to be left alone when they are sick. Yet, in many places around the world, it is custom to care for those who need care. You need care and you got it. :-)
