

On Saturday night, Steph, Julia and I had a Halloween costume party! In class, I told my students a little about Halloween, trick or treating, and costumes. Friday and Saturday, we spent lots of time baking cookies, bars and brownies! We baked many more than necessary, but we didn't know how many students to prepare for, and now we can bring some to our other teachers tomorrow.

Steph, Julia and I dressed as Power Puff Girls. Not many of our students could guess who we were.... oh well. It was fun getting dressed up. Some other teachers were pirates and Little Orphan Annie.
 We had some outfits and costumes for our students to wear. Here is Pirate Linda fighting a cowgirl. They really enjoyed trying the costumes!
 Julia, Steph and I were Power Puff Girls.
We had paper plates for them to make masks out of.
 Apple bobbing
Here's some of my students with their finished masks.
Here I am with an apple, a banana, and a cowgirl.

The party was lots of fun! Hopefully this can be the beginning of some relationships that can grow deeper and closer through the year or even years!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun!! I always laugh when I hear people describe Halloween as dressing the kids up then making them go to the neighbors and beg for candy. :-) Although there isn't much "making" them trick or treat at our house! Connor did decide to stay home this year. It would be a weird tradition to describe to those in another country! LOVE the PowerPuff Girls!!
